Case Studies

EC Supply Rescues Ambulance Manufacturer from Supply Chain Crisis

A second-stage ambulance manufacturer faced significant challenges when their existing supplier for custom glass windows repeatedly increased prices and delayed deliveries due to COVID- related disruptions. Frustrated by these setbacks, the manufacturer sought an alternative solution to meet their urgent needs while controlling costs and maintaining product quality.
Engagement with EC Supply
In search of a reliable partner, the ambulance manufacturer turned to EC Supply for assistance. Recognizing the critical nature of the situation, EC Supply immediately sprang into action. The manufacturer provided specifications and a prototype, and EC Supply swiftly mobilized its overseas team to identify the most suitable partner for the project.
Solution Implementation
Upon identifying the ideal partner, EC Supply facilitated the process by sending samples for evaluation and conducting rigorous internal testing to ensure compliance with the manufacturer's standards. With confidence in the quality and reliability of the selected supplier, EC Supply proceeded to place an order for a container of custom glass windows.
The outcome of EC Supply's intervention was transformative for the ambulance manufacturer. Not only were the ordered items received promptly and in impeccable condition, but the manufacturer also realized substantial cost savings. By leveraging EC Supply's expertise and global network, the manufacturer managed to reduce costs by over 50% without compromising on the quality of the custom glass windows.
In times of crisis and supply chain disruptions, the importance of having a responsive and resourceful partner like EC Supply cannot be overstated. Through effective collaboration and swift action, EC Supply not only resolved the immediate challenges faced by the ambulance manufacturer but also enabled them to emerge stronger and more resilient in the face of future uncertainties. This successful partnership underscores the value of strategic sourcing and highlights EC Supply's commitment to delivering innovative solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of its clients.
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EC Supply Revolutionizes Metal Fabrication for Mobility Van Manufacturer

A customer operating in the mobility van industry faced significant cost and efficiency challenges due to in-house metal fabrication processes. Despite handling the majority of their metal fabrication internally, the customer encountered high production costs for certain small products, particularly a bracket with a welded nut and powder coating. With internal costs exceeding $8 per unit, the customer sought a more cost-effective solution to streamline their operations.
Engagement with EC Supply
Recognizing the need for a transformative solution, the customer approached EC Supply for assistance. Understanding the customer’s requirements and cost constraints, EC Supply embarked on a mission to identify alternative suppliers capable of providing the required bracket at a fraction of the existing cost.
Solution Implementation
Leveraging its extensive network and expertise in strategic sourcing, EC Supply swiftly identified a reliable supplier capable of delivering the bracket with the necessary specifications at a significantly reduced cost. Through meticulous negotiation and collaboration, EC Supply ensured that the customer’s quality standards were met without compromising on cost-effectiveness.
The collaboration with EC Supply yielded remarkable results for the mobility van manufacturer. By outsourcing the production of the bracket to the identified supplier, the customer achieved a dramatic cost reduction, with the exact item procured for under $1.50 each. This represented a staggering reduction of over 80% compared to the internal production costs.
The success story of EC Supply’s partnership with the mobility van manufacturer underscores the transformative impact of strategic outsourcing and effective supply chain management. By entrusting EC Supply with their sourcing needs, the customer not only achieved significant cost savings but also liberated valuable resources that could be redirected towards core business activities. This case study exemplifies EC Supply’s commitment to delivering innovative solutions that empower its clients to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.
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